
Apples are a good source of Vitamin A and C. Red Delicious, Northern Spy and Ida apples in particular
contain powerful anti-oxidants. Interestingly, organic apples contain one third more anti-oxidants than non-organic apples! Apples also contain pectin, a fiber that creates short chain fatty acids. This can get rid of toxins in the intestinal tract, strengthen intestinal muscles and ward off dangerous bacteria.However, while the fruit is safe for dogs, apple seeds contain cyanide. Do not feed apple cores to your dog.


The seeds or pits, leaves and stems contain cyanide and are toxic to dogs.Asparagus is a source of vitamins K, A, B1, B2 and C. It also contains folate, copper and iron.Small doses are beneficial to dogs. Too much asparagus and the feces will turn green.


Bananas are good for energy and a great food to rev up your pet. They are full of natural sugars that are
easy to metabolize and convert into energy. They are also very palatable to dogs. (I am not sure about
cats.) Bananas contain essential amino acids, potassium electrolytes and minerals, in addition to Vitamin C and B6. Because of this, they can help improve heart function and maintain normal blood pressure.They are good for both seniors and active dogs.


Blueberries are one of the fruits that are very beneficial to both cats and dogs because they are such
powerful anti-oxidants. They work much the same way that cranberries work and can be fed frozen to your pet as a treat. Serve in small portions.Blueberries can also reduce tear stains in dogs!


Broccoli is one of the most nutrient dense vegetables for dogs and cats and it contains cancer fighting enzymes. Broccoli is really high in Vitamin C and Vitamin K, but it also contains Vitamins A, B6 and E, plus thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid and Choline. In addition to vitamins, broccoli is also high in minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. It also contains both fiber and protein.

However, if the pet’s broccoli intake is 10% or more of the pet’s diet, it can cause problems due to the toxic substance isothiocynate. Excess broccoli can cause gastrointestinal irritation but in small doses it is
very good for your pet.


Cantaloupe is high in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene, in other words, it is good for vision and ocular health.
It also has Vitamins B6 and C. Vitamin C is an important anti-oxidant and can help prevent cancer.
Cantaloupe is good for dogs with sensitive stomachs and allergies. In summer or hot weather, eating cantaloupe can help a dehydrated dog. Do not feed any of the skin or peel of the cantaloupe to your pet.


Carrots are vitamin super foods. They are high in vitamins: A, C, E and K. They also contain thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate, pantothic acid and choline. They are high in minerals, especially potassium, but also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, selenium and fluoride. In spite of these nutritional qualities, carrots are not great for dogs. They can have them in small quantities, if they are finely pureed. Most dogs do not digest carrots well especially if coarsely grated or in chunks. If you are feeding your dog carrots, check your dog’s feces to see if you can see the carrots undigested. 
Carrots are also high in sugar and so you must decide based on your dog’s age and condition how much
carrots are good for it.


The plants and pits contain cyanide and are toxic to dogs. The cherry pulp is okay to eat but there is no
special benefit to feeding your pet cherries.


Currants are similar to grapes and raisins and are not good for dogs or cats. Currants can cause
vomiting, diarrhea and renal failure. Do not feed them to your pet.

Green beans

Green beans are wonderful for your pets.They are an excellent source of plant fibre and can be fed to your dog frozen. They are low calorie and good for dogs or cats with weight issues. Green beans are high in vitamins A, K, C and manganese, plus they have cardiovascular benefits.


Some mushroom species are toxic to dogs and can be fatal. Eating mushrooms can lead to seizures,
tremors and organ failure. Be careful when hiking in the woods with your dog!

Onions (and garlic)

Onions are toxic to dogs. Some consider garlic toxic as well, while others say that garlic is okay in small
doses. The symptoms of onion poisoning include lethargy, elevated heart and respiratory rates, pale gums and even collapse.Do not feed onions to your dog and it is best to avoid garlic. When you are unsure, go with the lowest possible risk.


Peas are rich in vitamin K and C, both essential vitamins. In addition, they have vitamins A, B6, B3, B1
and B2. They contain thiamin, phosphorus, manganese, fiber and folate.They are a good source of vegetable protein for your pet.


Unripe, green and raw potatoes are toxic. Cooked white or yellow potatoes are okay. Symptoms of
potato toxicity in dogs include nausea, vomiting, seizures and heart irregularities. Do not feed raw potatoes to your dog.


Pumpkin is fabulous for both cats and dogs. If your pet has diarrhea, vomiting or constipation, a little pumpkin will help your pet with these problems. Make sure that you buy pure pumpkin (preferably organic) and not pumpkin pie filling which has sugar and other additives that are not good for your pet.The fiber in pumpkin absorbs water and helps ease stomach upsets. Pumpkin is full of vitamin A and anti-oxidants. It helps regulate blood sugar and boost cardiovascular health. It is good for diabetic and overweight pets as it is low calorie and filling.


Rhubarb is toxic to dogs. The leaves and stems deplete the calcium in dog’s bodies and can cause renal failure and other serious medical problems.Do not let your dog eat rhubarb.


Spinach is a wonderful vegetable to feed your pets, especially dogs. It is good for inflammatory and cardiovascular problems. It is also anti-cancer due to the flavonoids and carotenoids that it contains. It also contains calcium which is good for the growth of puppies that need the bone support. Spinach is rich in fiber and potassium, vitamins K, A and B6. It has twice as much iron as other green leafy vegetables.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is often used as a substitute starch in reduced protein dog foods that cater to dogs with allergies. It is a great source of vitamin A, C, B5 and B6. It is also high in fiber, potassium and magnesium. Not only does it have all these vitamins, but it has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Sweet potato is easy on the digestive system and good for sensitive stomachs.


While the red fruit, the tomato, can be beneficial, the plan is quite toxic. Avoid the leaves, stems and unripened green tomatoes. Keep your pet out of your garden.Ripe, red tomatoes contain high amounts of vitamin A, C, K, potassium and manganese but it is also high in sugar. A little tomato goes a long way with pets.

If you have any questions about your pet’s nutrition and food, speak to one of the knowledgeable staff at Pet Pantry!

January 12, 2016 — Pet Pantry

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